From summits to weddings and staff parties, let us handle it. Be it technical lighting or sound system setups, our wealth of experience ensures that your event will be remembered.


LED Screen | Casinobeats

Malta Journalism Awards | Archeology Museum

Malta Journalism Awards | Archeology Museum

Malta Journalism Awrads | Archeology Museum

Mare Summit Breakout Room | MFCC

Play n' Go LED & Pyros | Xara Lodge

Gozo Weekender | Red Rhino

Lights & Decor | Mr Green

Secondary Stage | Medtech

Main Stage AV Setup | Medtech

Evening Setup | Medtech

Conference Setup | Casinobeats

Conference Setup | Casinobeats

Rootz Silent Disco

Rootz Silent Disco

LED Screen | Malta Chambers of SME

International Virtual Conference | Radisson Blu

Showers | Cafe del Mar

Right to Culture Event

LED Screen | Corinthia

Stage Setup | Aviation Museum

LED Screen | Mediterranean Weightlifting Event

Conversion of Magazino Hall

AV Setup | Corinthia

AV & Stage Setup |

LED Screen | Digital Trust Conference

Mare Summit Main Stage | MFCC

Mare Summit Main Stage | MFCC

Play n' Go LED Screen & Lights | Xara Lodge

Play n' Go LED Screen & Lights | Xara Lodge

LED Screen & Lights | LeoVegas

AV Setup | Tipico

GIG | Xara Lodge

GIG | Xara Lodge

LED Screen | IncontroLaProtection

Fairylight Setup | Play N' Go

Fairylight Setup

Fairylight Setup | Bet365

Fresco Disco | Villa Blanche

Screen & Backdrop | Evolution Gaming

LED Screen & Backdrop | Radisson Blu

AV Setup| DeVere

AV Setup| DeVere

AV Setup| DeVere

AV Setup | Radisson Ballroom

AV Setup | Tipico

AV Setup | Malta Business Awards

Gozo Weekender | Red Rhino

Gozo Weekender | Red Rhino

Lights & Decor | Mr Green

Lights & Decor | Mr Green

LED Screen & Lights | LeoVegas

LED Screen & Lights | LeoVegas